Form 5498-IRA Source Record Format
A 1099 Express source record for Form 5498-IRA for 2014 looks like this:

B|L|SSN|Cor|Frgn|Box7|CS|Name1|Name2|Addr|City|ST|Zip|Acct |Amt1|Amt2|Amt3|Amt4|Amt5|Amt6|Amt7|Amt8|Amt9|Amt10

Field 1: Capital "B", This is the Record Identifier.
Field 2: Capital "L", Indicating Form 5498-IRA.
Filed 3: Participant's Social Security Number.
Field 4: Correction Indicator.
Field 5: Set to "1" if payee is Foreign (outside USA).
Field 6: Box 7, Plan Type: "A"=IRA, "B"=SEP, "D"=Simple, "H"=Roth IRA. These are mutually exclusive.
Field 7: Combined State Code.
Field 8: Participant Name 1 Field.
Field 9: Participant Name 2 Field, usually empty.
Field 10: Participant Address.
Field 11: Participant City.
Field 12: Participant State Code.
Field 13: Participant Zip Code.
Field 14: Participant Account Information. Must be unique to distinguish corrections for duplicate recipients.
Field 15: Amt01-Box 1 IRA contributions (see form).
Field 16: Amt02-Box 2 Rollover contributions.
Field 17: Amt03-Box 3 Roth Conversion amount.
Field 18: Amt04-Box 4 Re-characterized contributions.
Field 19: Amt05-Box 5 Fair Market value of account.
Field 20: Amt06-Box 6 Life insurance cost included in Amount Code 1.
Field 21: Amt07-Not used. Must be empty.
Field 22: Amt08-Box 8 SEP Contributions.
Field 23: Amt09-Box 9 SIMPLE contributions.
Field 24: Amt10-Box 10 Roth IRA contributions.
Field 25: Not used. Must be empty.
Field 26: Ignored, if present.
Field 27: Box 11 - Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)="1" else empty. Pos 551(1)
Field 28: Box 12a - RMD date, MM-DD-YYYY converted to IRS format of YYYYMMDD for IRS file. Date by which the RMD must be distributed t avoid the 50% EXCISE TAX. Pos 566-573(8)
Field 29: Amt11-Box 12b - RMD amount.
Field 30: Amt12-Box 13a - Postponed contribution a dollar amount.
Field 31: Box 13b - Year of Postponed contribution, YYYY Pos 552-555(4).

Field 32: Box 13c - Postponed Contribution Code, 2 chars: FD=Federally Designated Disaster Area, PL=Public Law, EO=Executive Order, SC=Late due to event beyond parcipitants control (See IRS Pub 1220 B Record for 5498, for allowed reasons) Pos 556-557(2). The 2 letter codes are not validated since they are different in many past years. Validation would prevent past years filings. In 2012 Field 32 is lengthened to 8 characters to hold longer codes for Executive Order Numbers, so the full field is Pos 556-563(8).

Field 33: Amt13-Box 14a - Repayments a dollar amount.
Field 34: Box 14b - Repayment Code, 2 chars: QR=Qualified Reservist Distribution, or DD=Fed Desig Disaster Dist. Pos 564-565(2).
--- Additions for 2014---
Field 35: Amt7-Box 15a - FMV of certain assets. Was Amt14-Box15a Other Contributions in the distant past.
Field 36: Box 15b - Codes. 2 char combos. Pos 574-575(2). Codes are A=Stock, B=Debt, C=LLC ownership, D=Real Estate, E=An interest in a Partnership, trust, etc., F=Option contract, G=Other Asset, H=More than 2 types listed above. If you use H don't use any other codes.

All Fields are normal Ascii strings, without a Ascii Zero trailer. Each record is terminated by a carriage return, line feed sequence. Form 1096 Box5 is the total of the following 11 Boxes: 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,10,12b,13a and 14a.

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