Form 1097-BTC Source Record Format
A 1099 Express source record for Form 1097-BTC looks like this:
B|C|SSN|Cor|For|Res|CS|Name1|Name2|Addr|City|State|Zip|Account|.... more
Note: This form has not yet been released. Box numbers may not be correct.
Field 1: Capital "B", This is the Record Identifier.
Field 2: Capital "C", for Form type is 1097-BTC.
Filed 3: Employee's Social Security Number or ID number.
Field 4: Correction Indicator.
Field 5: Set to "1" if payee is Foreign (outside USA).
Field 6: Reserved. Was Barcode.
Field 7: Reserved, Combined State Code not used for this form.
Field 8: Payee Name 1 Field.
Field 9: Payee Name 2 Field, usually empty.
Field 10: Payee Address.
Field 11: Payee City.
Field 12: Payee State Code.
Field 13: Payee Zip Code.
Field 14: Account Information. Must be unique to distinguish corrections for duplicate recipients.
--- Amount Codes --- Money Amounts --- 1 through 16 max
Field 15: Box1 - Amt1
Field 16: Box5a - Amt2 - January
Field 17: Box5b - Amt3 - February
Field 18: Box5c - Amt4 - March
Field 19: Box5d - Amt5 - April
Field 20: Box5e - Amt6 - May
Field 21: Box5r - Amt7 - June
Field 22: Box5g - Amt8 - July
Field 23: Box5h - Amt9 - August
Field 24: Box5i - Amt10 - September
Field 25: Box5J - Amt11 - October
Field 26: Box5K - Amt12 - November
Field 27: Box5L - Amt13 - December
Field 28: Box5b - Amt14 - Reserved
Field 29: Box5b - Amt15 - Reserved
Field 30: Box5b - Amt16 - Reserved
--- Other Special Fields ---
Field 31: Box 2a - Code for Box 2b P556= A -Account Number = C -CUSIP Number = O
- Other self-provided
Field 32: Box 2b - Unique Identifier (per code in Box 2a) Pos 560-598(39) Rjust,
Space Fill.
Field 33: Box 3 -Bond Type Pos 599-601(3) 101=Clean Renewable Energy Bond,
Field 34: Box 4 - Reserved Not used
Field 35: Box 6 - Comments - Not in e-File - Max= Size of Window and Red Form.
Field 36: Issuer Box - P547=1 For 2014 credit being reported. P547=2 a
person distributing all or part of the credit to others. Use 1 or 2 in source
file and IRS file.
See Form 1097-BTC Instructions
for rules.
All Fields are normal Ascii strings, without a Ascii Zero trailer. Each record is terminated by a
carriage return, line feed sequence
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