A|Year|TIN|Company Name1|Name2|Addr|City|State|Zip|Phone|Fax|Contact|Title|E-Mail|Orig|Repl|Corr|
Field MaxLength Description
------ ------- --------------------------------
Field 1: 1 Capital "A", This is the Record Identifier.
Field 2: 4 Tax Year. May be less than or equal to the program year.
Filed 3: 11 Filer's (Company's) Tax Identification Number, or person's SSN, dashes OK.
Field 4: 40 Company Name1 Field.
Field 5: 40 Company Name2 Field.
Field 6: 40 Address line.
Field 7: 40 City.
Field 8: 2 State (2 letter code).
Field 9: 10 Zip Code in format 12345 or 12345-6789.
Field 10: 15 Phone and Extension.
Field 11: 15 Fax.
Field 12: 30 Contact.
Field 13: 30 Title.
Field 14: 30 E-Mail of Contact.
Field 15: 1 Dropped TY 2007 was Original File, Empty=False, 1=True, 15,16,17 are mutually exclusive radio buttons.
Field 16: 1 Dropped TY 2007 was Replacement File, Empty=False, 1=True.
Field 17: 1 Dropped TY 2007 was Correction File, Empty=False, 1=True.
Fields 18,19,20,21 are check boxes.
Field 18: 1 Dropped 2020.37 due to carry forward. Not in A750 Rec. This is the Last Filing, Empty=False, 1=True,
Field 19: 1 Filer is filing both Federal and State Program, Empty=False, 1=True.
Field 20: 1 The Filer is foreign, Empty=False, 1=True.
Field 21: 1 Name 2 is a Transfer Agent per IRS rules. Note False=0 Zero, 1=True.
All Fields are normal Ascii strings, without a Ascii Zero trailer. Each record is terminated by a carriage return, line feed sequence