Company, Filer (A Record) Format

The 1099 Express Company Record also called "Filer Record or Payer Record" or "A Record" is normally not imported. It can be typed once for each business after importing the B records. Use the Re-Populate Tab when you re-import to avoid re-entering the Filer Information. The A Record is pipe delimited and looks like this:

A|Year|TIN|Company Name1|Name2|Addr|City|State|Zip|Phone|Fax|Contact|Title|E-Mail|Orig|Repl|Corr| LastFiling|FedandState|ForeignFiler|TransferAgent

Field  MaxLength Description
------ ------- --------------------------------
Field 1: 1 Capital "A", This is the Record Identifier.
Field 2: 4 Tax Year. May be less than or equal to the program year.
Filed 3: 11 Filer's (Company's) Tax Identification Number, or person's SSN, dashes OK.
Field 4: 40 Company Name1 Field.
Field 5: 40 Company Name2 Field.
Field 6: 40 Address line.
Field 7: 40 City.
Field 8: 2 State (2 letter code).
Field 9: 10 Zip Code in format 12345 or 12345-6789.
Field 10: 15 Phone and Extension.
Field 11: 15 Fax.
Field 12: 30 Contact.
Field 13: 30 Title.
Field 14: 30 E-Mail of Contact.

Field 15: 1 Dropped TY 2007 was Original File, Empty=False, 1=True, 15,16,17 are mutually exclusive radio buttons.
Field 16: 1 Dropped TY 2007 was Replacement File, Empty=False, 1=True.
Field 17: 1 Dropped TY 2007 was Correction File, Empty=False, 1=True.

Fields 18,19,20,21 are check boxes.

Field 18: 1 Dropped 2020.37 due to carry forward.  Not in A750 Rec. This is the Last Filing, Empty=False, 1=True,
Field 19: 1 Filer is filing both Federal and State Program, Empty=False, 1=True.
Field 20: 1 The Filer is foreign, Empty=False, 1=True.
Field 21: 1 Name 2 is a Transfer Agent per IRS rules. Note False=0 Zero, 1=True.

All Fields are normal Ascii strings, without a Ascii Zero trailer. Each record is terminated by a carriage return, line feed sequence

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