Printing Form 1099-Misc:
When printing form 1099-Misc, if the Window Envelope Addresses checkbox is not checked, the full set of instructions will be printed on the bottom 1/3rd of the page. In this case, Z-fold the paper, and the top form will fit nicely in the recommended No. 9 double window envelopes.
If Window Envelope Addresses is checked, 1099-Misc will attempt to print
the addresses as shown (on the bottom left) AND print the minimum instructions (on the bottom right). This will allow use
of other style window envelopes. Only instructions for boxes containing money
are printed on the bottom right. Unnecessary instructions are not printed. If money is reported in too many boxes
on form 1099-Misc then there may not be enough room to print all of the required instructions. If this is the case,
1099 Express will print the full instructions on the bottom 1/3rd for that particular form
(like the paragraph above). For all other forms that have
room, 1099Exress will print with the lower addresses showing. If this is not
acceptable, 1099Express can be forced to print all instructions on the back
using the Duplex checkbox.
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