Unlike our competitors that offer modules or charge for added capabilities, with 1099 Express,
The 1099 series available are: NEC, Misc, A, B, C, Cap, Div, G, Int, k, LS, LTC, OID, PATR, Q, R, S, SA, SB. Our software also supports the following 1098 series forms: Mortgage, C, E, F, and T and these other related forms: 1097-BTC, 3921, 3922, 5498, 5498-ESA, 5498-SA, 8027, 8935, and W-2G.
For more information, please view the descriptions below or visit the IRS's 1099 General Instructions for a more indepth description of each form.

Our program supports paperless e-filing for free directly from your computer to the IRS FIRE site with your own TCC. No need to worry about security as you maintain control of your data throughout the entire process. This includes free state e-Filing under the IRS combined federal state filing program for those states that participate or those that accept the IRS Pub 1220 format file but require direct filing.

Importing data is as easy as Copy and Paste from Excel by Header Name. You can do this by going to 'Edit' -> 'Paste from Excel by Header Name' (fourth from the top) or by right clicking on the grid and selecting 'Paste from Excel by Header Name' from the dropdown list.

The Program supports the IRS policy for masking all tax ID numbers (XXXXX1234) for security and prints approved forms on blank paper for all tax years.
ONE PROGRAM you can print and e-fileOriginals andCorrections for current and past tax years. - The Program does support paper filing to the IRS as well, however you must purchase the Red Copy A forms from office supply stores or order them from the IRS.
- The Program can create password protected PDF files so you can email forms to recipients as long as the IRS procedures for Emailing Forms are followed.

We also offer Print & Mail services to complete the process from beginning to end for you. Please give us a call for an individual quote: (361) 884-1500