How to Copy and Paste from Excel

To start, what do we mean by 'Copy and Paste from Excel' and how do you do it? 'Copy and Paste from Excel' is exactly what is sounds like. It is one of the ways of taking the data that you have in excel, and moving it to any of our programs. Setting up your excel file to do this is easy by just inserting a blank row above your data and adding a few headers or column titles that will tell our programs what data is suppose to be in that column.

If your current Accounting System or ERP has not been updated to accomodate the new NEC forms - DO NOT FRET- we have you covered.  Just export your data in the 2019 format to excel and change the headers to accomodate the new layout of the 1099 NEC and 1099 MISC forms.  Just copy and past it in to the 2020 program and it does it for you.  If you are unable to export to excel we have another option by utilizing the XPS printer in most software.  If you have questions please give us a call.

To quickly understand how to Copy and Paste from Excel, download and install the program (it takes 15 seconds, no personal data is requested). Then, open the sample Excel spreadsheet 'NEC.xls' (located on the 'C' drive in the 'E20XX' folder)

Example of the folder path that contains the sample excel files

Once the Excel spreadsheet opens, copy the top 10 rows of the sample spreadsheet to the clipboard. To copy the lines, you can click the 'Home' tab on excel and there will be a button to copy or you can use the key combonation of 'Ctrl' + 'C'. The headers as well as the data must be selected in order to copy the data to your computer's clipboard.

Example excel document with data to be copied and pasted into 1099Express

Then go to the Desktop and launch the 1099Express program by double clicking the icon.
Click the 'Edit' Menu at the top of the program, then 'Paste from Excel by Header Name'.

Please note that the columns have been rearranged to match the 1099 Express grid

1099 Express can import thousands of payee records in seconds. To Copy and Paste from Excel by Header Name, insert headers in Row 1 to match the information in your columns. Headers must be spelled like the 1099 Express grid headers. Paste from Excel by Header Name automatically rearranges your columns to match the 1099 Express grid. If you have a non-used column, just leave the header blank.

2 Easy steps and you can import all your data:

  1. Select only the columns and rows in your spreadsheet that contain data then right click on your mouse and choose Copy.
  2. Switch to the 1099 Express program and either right click anywhere on the grid and choose 'Paste From Excel by Header Name' or click Edit and choose 'Paste from Excel by Header Name'.

And you are done! This import method works instantly, even with thousands of records. 1099 Express can import other formats supported by Excel, including QuickBooks, Access, Dbase, fixed and delimited text files, and many other formats that can be opened with Microsoft Excel. We also offer a free XPS program that will convert data from other software into an acceptable format.

Note: Importing is designed to avoid re-typing data, which can be exported from an accounting or other system. If you plan to type your records manually, you may still use Excel. However, you may also use the option AddF3 in the 1099 Express program which will validate each record as it is typed.

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