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❯ Activating Program ❯ Deactivating Program ❯ Purchasing Program ❯ Moving 1099 Express to a new PC


❯ Entering a Payee/Recipient ❯ Entering an Issuer/Filer ❯ Missing Payee TINs ❯ Account Numbers


❯ Creating a Correction File ❯ Types of Corrections ❯ Filing a Correction


❯ Importing from Excel ❯ Exporting a File ❯ Importing (Other) ❯ Excel Tips


❯ Bringing File(s) Forward


❯ e-Filing through Us ❯ e-Filing through the IRS FIRE Site ❯ e-Filing through IRIS (under construction) ❯ Requesting an Extension of Time ❯ e-Filing to the States ❯ IRS Instructions For 1099 Forms


❯ Printing 1099's ❯ Print to PDF ❯ Masking Recipient TINs


❯ Enable File Extensions ❯ Building Multiple IRS Files ❯ Building IRS File ❯ File Compression ❯ Output (IRS) File Format ❯ Submitting a Test File


❯ Common Errors ❯ System Requirments ❯ Source Record Formats (For Programmers) ❯ Legacy Help Index

▬ Entering an Issuer/Filer ▬

A FILER (also called a "Issuer", "Company", "Client" or "Payer") is the person or organization who paid the money and is responsible for filing its 1099s to the IRS. Only the FILER can receive penalties, such as late filing penalties. There is no need for a TCC number if the FILER files to the IRS on paper forms (Federal Copy A which must be pre-manufactured "red lined" IRS scanner ready forms).
Click the 'FILER' button on the top left of the grid or click the 'Options' tab.

From the 'Options' tab select 'Filer (Company) Information'. (Filer information can be entered either before or after the payee data is typed or imported)

A 'Company/Filer' window will appear, fill out all required boxes in the 'Payer's ID No.' tab and the 'Names' tab. The Filer information will be saved upon entering the 'OK' button.

After all Filer and Payee information has been added, please save the file. If the Filer informaiton is needed for a different file, select the 'Re-Populate' tab in the 'Company/Filer' window.

Transmitter information can be added to a file by clicking the 'Transmitter' button on the very bottom left of the 1099 Express program.

Alternatively, a User can add their Transmitter informaiton' by selecting the 'Options' tab in the top left of the program and select 'TCC Holder Information' from the drop-down list.

*Please note, TCC Holder informaiton is not needed for printing.It is needed only for e-Filing to the IRS. TCC Holder informaiton must be entered before electronically filing to the IRS.**

See 'Related Topics' on the bottom of the page for 'Obtaining a TCC Number'.

To enter a foreign address, souble click the names of the recipient in the 1099 Express grid (or click the 'Add F3' tab and select 'Add a Payee Record').

Once on the Data Entry window, check the 'Foreign Address' box at the bottom left of the window. Use the 'City' box for the foreign city, province and country. Do not use the State box. Use the 'Zip' box for the foreign zip code, if any.

Related Topics

❯ Copy & Paste From Excel ❯ Printing on Plain Paper
❯ What is a Filer & TCC? ❯ Obtaining a TCC